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Tuesday 9 April 2013

Is Microsoft Launching A Google Glass Rival In 2014?

Is Microsoft Launching A Google Glass Rival In 2014?

Baidu, China’s biggest search engine, has confirmed that it is working on a Google Glass rival, but it isn’t sure when it will arrive on the market. According a new rumor, Microsoft is going to launch its own Glass rival in 2014. We wonder who else wants to throw their hat into the ring.

Google Glass continues to be hyped by nearly everyone, despite the fact that it is still in development and not available yet. Apple is also rumored to be working on its own wearable tech, called the iWatch.

Analyst Brian J. White of Topeka Capital Markets says that he believes Microsoft is working on its own set of internet connected glasses. This is the first we’ve heard of Microsoft developing its own wearable technology, but it makes sense to stay competitive and get in on the next big thing.


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