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Monday 15 April 2013

Tropiformer jacket caters for all your gadget needs

Tropiformer jacket caters for all your gadget needs.

So, you think that you have it all down pat when it comes to attending conventions and the like? Well, wearing the right kind of jacket could help make your life a whole lot easier, and just in case you were wondering which company is capable of coming up with a geek-friendly jacket, look no further than Scottevest, who has come up with their fair share of wonders in the past, in addition to their most recent addition – the $149.99 Tropiformer jacket.

The Tropiformer jacket is a tech- and travel-focused garment which would make life a whole lot easier, especially when you have a plethora of gadgets and gear to tote around. It will arrive in four different colors to suit most geeks’ taste, while boasting 22 integrated pockets which were specially designed to distribute the weight of an entire convention’s worth of necessaries equally, leaving you with far less sore shoulders and forearms at the end of the day. Not only that, the Tropiformer jacket will come with magnetically attached sleeves so that it can be transformed from jacket to vest in mere seconds. To see a dedicated tablet pocket thrown into the mix is certainly encouraging, too.


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